In an article published in the UKs Daily Mail Online they reported on a school in China that had installed metal bars on the children’s desks to prevent them from leaning too far over their school work and causing near-sightedness, or myopia.
Recent research in China has shown that 41 percent of Chinese children in primary school need glasses. In an attempt to try to prevent even more children from having poor eyesight they installed these bars, which would not only prevent the children from leaning over too far, but the bars could also be moved to become a prop to rest a book against and offer a more appropriate distance for reading.
We find this an interesting concept, but wonder if more focus should be on providing the children with a more well-rounded “visual experience” and expose them to a variety of environments each day where their eyes are required to see both near and far distances.
If you are wondering about how your children’s eyes are being affected by their reading or school work, call us today to schedule an appointment or Request an Appointment right here online.
Also, as a side note, we’re wondering why the children are all wearing their jackets in school.
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