Ocular Manifestations of High Blood Pressure
Did you know high blood pressure can cause vision problems?
Vision complications can occur from a myriad of retinal conditions surrounding systemic hypertension. Arteries and veins undergo stress when under high pressures, which can lead to sight-altering complications. If you have high blood pressure a preventative eye health exam should be part of your normal health care regimen.
Many patients report that their blood pressure is being well managed by their primary care physician, which is vital for good systemic health. Upon retinal evaluation if problems are arising better targets for blood pressure can occasionally be determined. If these changes are happening in your eye tissue you be assured they are happening everywhere else in the body. The retina is one of the few places where physicians can look directly at arteries, veins, and nervous tissue without computerized imaging or incisions for a functioning and direct look at the vascular health.