Ocular Disease Management

Ocular Disease Management

Your overall health and the health of your eyes is very important. You want to take the best care of your eyes because once you lose your eyesight, you can’t get it back. But with early detection many eye diseases and ailments can be corrected or managed before they become permanent. So, it’s important to have regular eye exams.

Lang Family Eye Care is proud to have advanced instrumentation for early disease detection and precision monitoring. Our instruments allow for retinal imaging, retinal analysis (glaucoma, macular degeneration, diabetes, etc.), corneal photos, peripheral vision testing, corneal mapping, and much more.

If you would like to read about different types of eye disease, click on any of the links below.

If you have questions about these or any other ocular disease, contact our office or request an appointment.

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Emergency Eye Care

Have an emergency eye problem? Learn about eye emergencies.


Wondering if we accept your medical or vision insurance? Find out.

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